Send AR flowers to anyone in the world!

Rotate 360 degrees, water flowers, get gifts and more! No Ads. It’s free.


Most frequent questions and answers

That’s okay! Click on “forgot my password” button on the login screen to recover.

Click on the user icon, then on the ‘Settings’> Change account password

Oh no! No worries, our awesome support team will be happy to help reset your username. Just email us and we’ll fix that for you.

We’re sad to see you go! Click on the user icon, then on the “Settings”> Delete Account. Please note you have 5 days to change your mind. After that, your account is permanently deleted.

Click on the “Water Me!” button on the right, you can water flowers once.

Gifts are given when you complete various tasks such as sending a flower to new people, donating to a charity and more! Gifts can be sent to anyone, they don’t expire or disappear unless you delete them.

Some surfaces are too slippery and the phone has the difficulty of identifying the space. In that case, we created a trigger and ground plane. Use trigger for a detailed surface that has a pattern or other detail and ground plane for all non-textured surfaces.

It all has to do with the lighting in your space. Sometimes when the light is too strong or weak, the augmented flowers are reacting to the given circumstance that makes them appear less textured.

When you upgrade you will be able to send premium bouquets, schedule flower delivery and send to multiple recipients, plus you won’t see any ads, none of these perks are included in the free plan.

All of your scheduled flowers are found under the ‘History’ tab.

We have something for you! Engage with your clients and employees by sending them virtual flowers. If you’d like to learn more about our business package or want to advertise your

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